I cannot and will not pretend to have anywhere near the amount of credibility Phil Ivey has; I cannot offer suggestions or tips to reach his level, because that is simply absurd. I'm just another ordinary poker loving college student who has about 5 years of solid hold' em experience to talk about. I consider myself to be pretty damn talented, and what I can do is offer suggestions and tips that I use to maximize my hold' em abilities when I play at charity tournaments, local events, simply with the guys, or even online (hello fulltilt). More specifically, I can offer unorthodox and unique strategies and tips that will leave even your most canny opponents guessing. Ideally, if I can achieve a network of players discussing their strategies, playing styles, and even their stories, I believe that will lead to all of us becoming better at the game we love. I cannot reiterate this enough, however; I will not pretend to be some sort of an expert at Texas Hold' em. I will merely convey suggestions, tips, and advice that I have gathered from my experiences playing. I hope to ultimately learn as much from you as you might hope to learn from me.
For more about Ivey's career, visit his website here.
sources: wikipedia, philivey.com,